Sunday 28 March 2010

Costume and Music

Lily's costume was picked because the costume had to be casual but smart to show that she is going to school. We picked the colours because we thought the black reflects the gloom and danger ahead whilst the white reflects Lily's innocence. The colours and normality of what she is wearing also makes it seem more realistic.

We chose the music because it is not too depressing, dark or scary and yet not too happy or out of character for a typical horror film, it also seems like music that could be heard on a radio so it goes with the scene of Lily turning on the radio. We decided to make it ourselves because we found it very difficult to find non-copyrighted music that suited our film. We also added scary non-copyrighted music to go over the title to make it more dramatic.

Monday 15 March 2010

Out Takes

Kirsty gets run over...
we do not know exactly this clip came about but we had a laugh as it appears that Kirsty is run over by this white van.

Costume Malfunction

I think the locker was stuck, we concentrated so much on trying to make the things fall out of the locker, I wasn't even able to open it!

Friday 12 March 2010

The Rough Cut- Vengeance

This is the first draft of our opening sequence, we still need to add music and titles.

Friday 5 March 2010

Monday 1st March- Filming Day 4 (Woods)

We decided to film during the daytime for the forest scene, so during the lesson we went to the woods. It took about an hour and a half, because we wanted to film as many different shots as possible, and found when we got there, there were many different shots we wanted to film, more than what we put in the storyboard. This went well and was probably our best filming session.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Friday 26th February- Filming Day 3 (Elly's House Take 2)

Due to the problems we experienced with the first filming day on this location. We had to film again.
This went well as we were able to highlight the shots which we liked and we actually wanted to film, this lessened the amount of takes we had to do and was much easier than the first time around. I actually also think the shots we toook in this filming seesion were better as we had learnt from our mistakes of the first time around.
We now know that we must upload our footage directly after shooting so that this mistake will not be made again.