Sunday, 21 February 2010


Below is the first draft of the storyboard for the opening sequence of our film

Friday, 19 February 2010

Tuesday 16th February- Filming Day 2 (Elly's House)

On tuesday we planned to film the waking up shots and the forest scene, unfortunately we could not film the forest scene because it was raining and would have bee too difficult to film. In the end we had to just film the waking up shots. Towards the end the battery died so our filming session was cut short. fortunately we only had one more shot to do which is simple and can be easily done at any time.

We tried doing the waking up scence without the main character having to hold the camera but this did not work too well (as shown below) so we re-done it with the main character holding the camera in a hand held shot.

Unfortunately when we uploaded the footage from this filming day we realised some footage had not been taped and some had been filmed over. This unfortunately meant this whole scene had to be re-filmed.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Thursday 11th February- Filming Day 1 (Drama Room Corridor)

We started filming for this shot, in the drama room corridor, this proved extremely difficult as there was another group filiming in the same location and numerous people walking through the corridor to get to lockers and other rooms.
It was also difficult to get the books to fall out of the locker without looking very fake or dramatic, after many attempts we managed to get one shot.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Lily, an average seventeen year old girl, falls asleep during her lesson one day and wakes up to find that she is alone in an abandoned school. She searches for a way out but is locked inside the school and runs into three other people in her year that are not particularly nice to her. The four of them know that someone else is in the building and they find notes posted around the school giving them directions on how to get out of the school. The directions are brutal and eventually the three classmates die, leaving Lily alone to escape the school and run to a nearby woods where she is followed by whoever was behind this.

Lily is chased around the woods and finally faces a woman she recognised as her mother's client who's baby died recently (Lily's mother, a midwife, phones her before she goes to her lesson and falls asleep to tell her that she will be taking care of a client out of town) and wants to get revenge for her baby's death. After some more running through the woods trying to kill Lily, the woman accidentally kills herself, leaving Lily to escape.


Below is the screenplay for the opening sequence of our film 'Vengeance'.

LILY is running through the woods and steps on a twig.
She continues running and slows down by a tree and then stops to look around hopelessly while breathing heavily.

LILY wakes up to the sound of her alarm and sighs.
She slowly walks into her bathroom and shuts the door behind her.

LILY walks out of her house with a mournful expression and turns to walk down the road.

LILY walks towards the school building's doors.

LILY walks to her locker with a bored expression and opens it. All of her books fall out of her locker and people who are around laugh at her. She angrily slams her locker shut.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Casting Shots

Elly, who is a fellow member of our group, will be playingthe main character, Lily. We thought that she would be great for this role as she can easily act serious and listens to every idea our group has and plays the role to the best of her ability. Elly is always free during lessons and after school when we need to film so it is easy to film on the days we planned to. Plus she can scream without bursting into laughter!

Another member of our group, Bareen, will be playing the role of Sophia, who is one of the three other main characters who are introduced nearer the end of the opening squence but do not make a proper appearance until later in the film. We decided that the main focus should be on Lily because she would appear throughout the whole film and the other main characters die later in the film. We chose Bareen to play the part because she can act natural and can laugh easily without making it sound fake. Furthermore, she was, like Elly, free to film during lessons so we had plenty of opportunity to film.

Our friend, Marina, is playing Valerie who stands along with Sophia (Bareen) by her locker and laughs at Lily when she drops her books. We chose Marina to play the part because she has an amazing ability to laugh completely naturally at any little thing but can also wait until the appropriate moment. She is also has a very bubbly and enthusiastic personality which suits the character perfectly and so it was easy for her to play the part.

Bryony, another of our friends, is playing Kate, who simply rolls her eyes at Lily for dropping her books. Bryony was free when we needed to film this scene and is great at keeping a straight face and natural look no matter what is going on which is why we pleaded with her (she gave in reletively quickly - that's how good we are) to act in out opening sequence.

We are all very happy with our choices for the cast because all four cast members are of different ethnic groups, therefore giving a wider range of races and therefore can interest a wider audience and all of them were able to play their roles flawlessly with few mishaps.