Friday 19 February 2010

Tuesday 16th February- Filming Day 2 (Elly's House)

On tuesday we planned to film the waking up shots and the forest scene, unfortunately we could not film the forest scene because it was raining and would have bee too difficult to film. In the end we had to just film the waking up shots. Towards the end the battery died so our filming session was cut short. fortunately we only had one more shot to do which is simple and can be easily done at any time.

We tried doing the waking up scence without the main character having to hold the camera but this did not work too well (as shown below) so we re-done it with the main character holding the camera in a hand held shot.

Unfortunately when we uploaded the footage from this filming day we realised some footage had not been taped and some had been filmed over. This unfortunately meant this whole scene had to be re-filmed.

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